AG1 Mission News – April 2007

Thanksgiving Updates:

  1. The church has completed the course on spiritual maturity, now on a sermon series on the 10 commandments (series called: 10 Values that Build Strong Families), with very practical, relevant and interesting messages.
  2. The church has started a course for the married couples in the church, once a month.
  3. The church has started CGs since March, twice a week on alternate Fridays in church.  In April, they intend to open another CG in a brother’s house as there are several people living near his neighborhood.
  4. The team is training the following people, (through personal follow-up):
    1. Lenin Maldonado (P&W leader, potential leader)
    2. Viviana Villavicencio (potential P&W and female leader)
    3. Santiago Palma (translator)
    4. Jhonny Alvarez (translator)
    5. Alejandro Almeida (musician)


QUIZ TIME:  Who is WHO? 

Would you like to make a guess, who is Lenin Maldonado, Viviana Villavicencio, Santiago Palma, Jhonny Alvarez and Alejandro Almeido from the picture?  (Answer will be revealed in the next posting)

 Who is WHO?


Hope Quito Prayer Points (APRIL 2007):

  1. Pray that the members will follow through with spiritual habits in their lives:
    1. Time with God (include reading the Bible, praying),
    2. Tithing,
    3. Fellowship in small groups.
  2. Pray that the couples in our church will grow in their marriage, and grow in their spiritual maturity with God
  3. Pray that more people will commit themselves to building close and meaningful relationships through the CG.
  4. Pray for more musicians, and P&W leaders (as mentioned in updates)



  1. Please note of the Short Term Mission Trips information posted in March-Mission News.  Minor changes were made. 
  2. Remember our appointment with you on 31 May 2007 (Thu)….

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